Magicology: The Study of Magic Systems

This page contains links to all of my posts relating to the construction and analysis of magical systems in speculative fiction.  (I reserve the right to include posts about video game magic systems and real world magic systems.)  Tags are great, but a list of posts just seems so much simpler.


1. System? What System? I Don’t Need No Freakin’ System!   On “scientific magic systems”

2. Getting Ahead of Myself: What is Magic and Why Do We Like It?  On why we use magic in fantasy

3. What Can You Do With Magic Anyway?  On the functions of magic in literature

4. Meeting Your Goals for Magic  On achieving the functions of magic in your own system

5. The Inverse Law of Utility and Understanding  An analysis/expansion of Sanderson’s First Law of Magic

6. Magic’s Price  On the use of costs in magical systems

7. How to Create a Believable Magic System  On what it says on the tin

8. Magical No-Nos  On what it says on the tin, part 2

9. Common Magic System Pros and Cons: Elemental Magic  On an analysis of elemental magic systems

10. Magicology: Frames of Reference, Part 1  On attempting to establish a basis for discussion

11. Magicology: Frames of Reference, Part 2 On more useful jargon for world-building

12. Oh, My God, it’s a Flying Carpet! Or: Believable Relationships with Magic  On character views of magic

13. The (Real) Cost of Magic Part 1  On where the hell is “Part 2”?!


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